Adults (18-64)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Energy Companies should install Solar Panels for Homes!

Why not?

As Anthony Ingram wrote in a letter to the editor of The Dallas Morning Post on July 30th.

"The Resident benefits from lower or zero Electric bills. The Electricity Company benefits from having small inexpensive power generating sites with minor maintenance. The community benefits by additional generation without major power plants. Everybody wins, except wind generation producers."

This clearly is an alternative way to add clean capacity to our power generating capability without adding new power stations. Imagine thousands of green mini-power stations that feed power to the grid and make your energy needs virtually free of charge.

This method of generating power, helps our country, saves the environment and helps the consumer with reduced or zero energy prices. No need for expensive wind farms, no need for new or enhanced grids to transport the energy from the farms to the existing grid costing billions of dollars. Believe me the grid between our homes and the utility company exists TODAY. The Technology exists and works TODAY!

As it is too expensive for most ordinary households to install, even with a 50% subsidy and a $7,000 tax credit, why not have the utility company install the panels and pay for it? They are going to spend money on new and additional green energy generation capacity anyway!

As a payback on their investment the utility company will not have to pay the resident for any electricity the panels on their homes return back to the grid, (believe it or not the meters on your residence will start spinning backwards and put electricity back into the grid when your home generates more electricity than it requires) until the cost of the panels and the installation is paid off.

If all this sounds implausible, it is not. “A proposal for $6.4bn of new power lines linking new wind farms with Texas’ public electricity grid, whose cost will be borne mainly by consumers”. Not my words, see article in my links.

See how many houses could be equipped with solar panels with this money. The gross cost for an average but complete solar panel installation is roughly $35,000. So for $6.4 billion roughly 200,000 houses could be provided with solar panels that will feed the grid.

I have not even discussed the amount of money a Texas utility is about to spend to increase its capacity with green power sources! How many more homes could be equipped with these huge amounts of money.

I invite you all in joining me to call for a energy solution that is a win win for all. And vote for power to the people.